Dental Aesthetics

Porcelain coating

If your smile is not full or natural, and when you expose your teeth in front of the mirror you recognize imperfections in your teeth, teeth whitening treatments and porcelain veneers for your teeth can solve your problem, and bring your smile to a high aesthetic level.

Porcelain veneers for the teeth is one of those most advanced aesthetic treatments that improve your external image and bring you to the realization of the ideal of beauty, while aligning you with all those famous movie actors, models and other celebrities, who showcase perfect and bright smiles on the pages of the newspaper and on the television screen. and the cinema.

The porcelain, or porcelain, is a strong, available and unique material that allows the modern dentist to offer a solution that was technologically unavailable a few years ago. Today, the scientific advance in the field of medical devices and working with different materials while integrating them into the set of therapeutic tools available to the doctor offers unique and high-quality solutions for everyone, including you.


Frontal lamination - what is the porcelain coating for teeth:

The frontal lamination treatment is a particularly sought-after procedure, as the results it brings to patients are unequivocal - a marked and complete improvement in the appearance and aesthetics of the teeth.

In this treatment, the therapist applies a precise layer of porcelain-based lamination to the patient's teeth. This material attaches to the tooth, covering the front of the tooth, the visible part of the tooth. The connection between the surface of the tooth and the porcelain coating is made by a dedicated and completely transparent glue, an extremely strong glue that ensures the adhesion of the laminate layer perfectly, without fear of loosening and falling of the coating.

The creation of this adhesive resin is what made frontal lamination treatment popular and available. After all, until the finding of the perfect material as an intermediary capable of adhering the coating in a high-quality manner, without affecting the color of the coating and the appearance of the tooth after the treatment, the coating would not have held on the patient's teeth for the same period of time, or would not have offered the same beautiful finish familiar to us from the smiles of the big stars.

The advantages of porcelain coating:

Frontal laminate coating with porcelain has many and varied advantages over other aesthetic methods and other coating materials:

  • Health - the tooth coating prevents the formation and accumulation of bacteria that can cause gingivitis and damage to the quality and integrity of the tooth, which protects the front of the tooth from many injuries and this only in the place where the laminate coating is glued.
  • The treatment is not invasive - there is no recovery process and it is not a surgical procedure, but a process of precise adhesion, that is, a completely external treatment. The bonding process has no side effects and no recovery period and allows you to return to daily activities immediately, with white and shiny teeth as if nothing had happened.
  • Great durability - there are different coatings on the market, but the porcelain coating is the strongest and most durable among them, which allows the patient to receive the best treatment over a long period of time, without the need for additional treatments or repeated treatments.

Teeth Whitening

Interested in bright white teeth? Want to whiten your teeth in Dr. Efi Gavrielov's clinic in Rishon LeZion? You came to the right place!

Aesthetics is one of the most influential and leading forces of today's modern society. Aesthetics is an extremely important aspect on a social, personal, and professional level. Everyone seeks to be at their best all the time, and this need is completely natural, but life in modern society can make this challenge particularly difficult, especially when there are elements in our bodies that are more difficult for us to influence.

Our teeth are evidence of health, and a sort of agreed upon sign of strength and joy. Our smile says a lot about us, and the fear of smiling due to low self-esteem based on yellow or stained teeth is something that today can be corrected, and quickly.

Teeth whitening in Dr. Efi Gavrielov's clinic in Rishon LeZion (with different techniques) allows everyone to enjoy a healthy, beautiful and bright smile, while we radiate vitality, health and joy, and are not ashamed to smile or talk to people. On the contrary, we enjoy exposing our healthy and beautiful teeth.

What causes teeth to turn yellow?

There are quite a few factors that affect the health of the teeth and their color. Some of the more common factors are:

  • Poor nutrition - types of foods that harm the health of the tooth and even stain it.
  • Neglect – teeth that are not carefully treated with daily brushing.
  • Drinks – tea, coffee, and many carbonated drinks stain the teeth.
  • Smoking – cigarette smoke directly stains the teeth in front and back.
  • Diseases – there are various diseases and health phenomena that directly affect the color of the teeth.
  • Medicines – there are various medicines that affect the color of the teeth, darkening or yellowing them.

These factors are only part of the list, and the way to avoid stains as much as possible is to make sure that you consume the right food and drinks, and make sure to brush your teeth correctly, with the right toothpaste, at least twice a day.

Avoiding smoking and regular visits to your dentist for check-ups and maintaining hygiene and oral health are a wise move for anyone who wants a clean and healthy mouth, with strong, beautiful and white teeth.


Teeth whitening in Dr. Efi Gavrielov's clinic in Rishon LeZion - types of teeth whitening:

There are several types of teeth whitening common in the market today:

Bleaching at a dentist - a basic and primary treatment that can lighten the teeth a little, by removing elements such as calculus (tartar) and external stains in a mechanical way. This treatment is also a necessary basis for most follow-up treatments if necessary.

Immediate chemical whitening - insertion of the bleaching agent based on hydrogen peroxide (usually) at the dentist.

Prolonged chemical bleaching - use of a low-concentration bleaching agent that allows prolonged treatment outside the clinic, by fitting a splint that carries the bleaching solution. The process is slower, and takes up to several days, when the patient can stop or continue depending on the shade of the tooth he has reached.

Laser teeth whitening - an accelerated process that usually takes about one hour, in which a dedicated laser beam supports the penetration of the whitening agent into the tooth, producing a fast and efficient whitening process.

Whitening in products – There are several products on the market that claim to be able to whiten teeth.

In any case, teeth whitening in Dr. Efi Gavrielov's clinic in Rishon LeZion is a quite popular service, which has become easy and simple! Enter with slightly brown/yellow teeth and leave with white teeth!

To schedule a consultation at the clinic, leave details and our team will get back to you as soon as possible:

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    אתר מונגש

    אנו רואים חשיבות עליונה בהנגשת אתר האינטרנט שלנו לאנשים עם מוגבלויות, וכך לאפשר לכלל האוכלוסיה להשתמש באתרנו בקלות ובנוחות. באתר זה בוצעו מגוון פעולות להנגשת האתר, הכוללות בין השאר התקנת רכיב נגישות ייעודי.

    הסדרי נגישות

    בבניין המשרדים קיימים הסדרי נגישות לבעלי מוגבלויות: בבניין בו פועלת החברה, ישנם שירותים נגישים המיועדים למבקרים עם מוגבלויות בכל קומה. כמו כן, קיימות חניות מיוחדות לנכים המגיעים למשרד ברכב ובעלי תו נכה, והן מסומנות בהתאם בחניונים הסמוכים. בנוסף, ניתן להשתמש במעליות הנגישות בבניין, והכניסות למבקרים עם מוגבלויות רחבות ומותאמות. כדי להבטיח נגישות מיטבית, נעשה שימוש בשיפוע בכניסה לבניין, המיועד לבעלי מוגבלויות וכיסאות גלגלים. כמו כן, ניתן להיכנס לבניין ולמשרדים עם חיית שירות.

    סייגי נגישות

    למרות מאמצנו להנגיש את כלל הדפים באתר באופן מלא, יתכן ויתגלו חלקים באתר שאינם נגישים. במידה ואינם מסוגלים לגלוש באתר באופן אופטימלי, אנה צרו איתנו קשר

    רכיב נגישות

    באתר זה הותקן רכיב נגישות מתקדם, מבית all internet - בניית אתרים. רכיב זה מסייע בהנגשת האתר עבור אנשים בעלי מוגבלויות.